Inspired by our irrepressibly noisome Parliament’s status of
being anti everything the other lot says and Zac Goldsmith’s pathetic smear
tactics in the Mayoral Election playground. WARNING, I wrote this so expect utopian
ideals and generalisations.
How can we teach our children not to bully or be judgemental
or hurtful, spiteful, rude, greedy, negligent, selfish, angry, suspicious or
mean, when so much of our media, from magazine to broadcast and tabloid to
social media, is given to reporting exactly that so often it has become normal?
The leaders and politicians we should be able to look to for guidance and
direction no longer see good, just what they can attack. (e.g. Labour agreeing with
the Government on staying in the EU, but refusing to say they actually think
the government is right about that, rather they just attack the methods and
procedures. Just say you agree with the premise but not the detail. Start from
a positive then debate the rest!)
In the face of all that, how do we teach our children tolerance
and understanding, inclusion and openness and give them a chance for empathy, friendship
and awareness of others and their surroundings? This is not some liberalist
battle cry (God forbid, it would be more of a meek murmur!) but instead a
reason for globalisation; true globalisation – not the bastardised, purely
capitalist “let’s just create a market and shit on anyone who disagrees while
fleecing them for every penny and destroying cultures and people because they
aren’t financially valuable enough to keep” movement that it has been. It should
be an opportunity for people all over the world to see each other as people,
not as an ideology to be feared and bombed or a policy to be bitterly fought
just because it came from someone wearing a red tie not a blue one.
Why has it even got that far? For true globalisation everyone
needs to behave in a decent manner, not like a greed-driven robot. But then, I’m one of those wishy washy,
meritocratic, liberal-champagne-socialists who likes trees and wine and people and the
Is it too much, then, to ask that we stop trying to fight
Wouldn't it be interesting if, for just one day, the whole
world just stopped fighting, had a cup of tea and got to know each other? Yeah,
the utopian ideal. Nah, fuck it, let’s just bomb the shit out of everything.
that’s worked so well up to now.
We have so much to be proud of and there is so much good being
done all over the world. Let’s promote that for a change. And not simply because a celebrity is running a million miles on a hamster wheel, smearing themselves in palm oil and drinking carbonated Amazon water - laudable and applaudable, though that is - but because people do good stuff all the time!
I’m off to walk in the grass and hug trees. Or drink a lot
of wine. Maybe both. But I’m not going to rip someone’s heart out through their
eyes because they don’t agree with the way I wear my hat. My shoes, on the other hand, well now, that's a different story!
Scum and cream both rise to the top. You just need to work
out how to skim. Even scum can fertilise.