Tuesday 14 July 2015

TTIP - the destructive power of corporation vs Nation


A very clear explanation of the much vaunted capitalist benefits compared to the social destruction of working rights, pay and conditions.

It doesn't quite go far enough, focussing almost exclusively on the reaction towards the treatment of the NHS, but TTIP will, if taken on board across Europe, make every state owned/run industry a target for corporate greed in a freely accessible market place regardless of the effect on millions of HUMANS(!) and there will be nothing that the individual nations can do to stop it, without facing hugely expensive and damaging legal battles. TTIP will actually lead to nations being sued by corporations for the right to dismantle society and culture. This is not the golden egg Cameron and the coin-cronies would have us believe, unless all that you want is to line your own pockets and sod everyone else. For all that the Green Party statement may be grandstanding and soundbiting, it's terrifyingly true. I really hope this doesn't go through.

But then I hope they quash the "relaxation" of hunting laws and bin fracking. Unfortunately, rather like any team I get behind when they're playing on the TV, I reckon my support is ultimately massively damaging. But I just can't bring myself to support TTIP, hunting or fracking or Trident or Nazis or IS or pure, unfettered, anti society, community-destructive capitalism.

The Chicago boys are still running rampant.

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