I have no agenda - political, subversive, anti-capitalist or anti-community. I just feel the need sometimes to throw stuff up in the air and see what happens.
Just as a thought, if more people were able to do the current jobs for less money (e.g £150,000 per annum split through 3 people) you increase your workforce and, ideally, you have to do fewer hours.
More people able to spend more money in a wider market - since we all have different tastes - enable businesses to grow in line with an expanding, happier, more relaxed environment. And - who would have thought - will enable more people to find jobs as work opportunities grow. And the fear of failure due to pressure and time, the fear of missing out on family and relationships, of only living to work and not working to live. Yes, we would all have to earn less. But - and here is the blasphemous, vicious, anti-capitalism statement - there would need to be agreement across the board, that prices must fall. This would not harm the producers, the retailers or the suppliers in any way as much as one might think, simply because more people would be able to buy those products.
Yes, this is an ideal. Yes, it is a bit of a dream and something I have wondered about for a while, but why not have a revolution that has genuine benefit. And isn't violent.
With so many people suffering from stress, depression, anxiety, poverty... the list goes on, why would we not think on a more global, or at least community scale. Those in work complain they have to work much harder to keep things going - long hours, more responsibility without autority etc. Those without work who can work would love the opportunity to do something worthwhile and earn money. And with a National/International strategy for increasing opportunities within the workplace by splitting the responsibilites of single jobs into more manageable areas of expertise and lowering the exorbitant rates some people are paid, we end up with a much fairer and sustainable situation than currently exists.
This isn't a blueprint, neither does it come from any form of expert analysis. I'm just blogging out loud.
Because surely, with all the experts, pseudo-experts and soap box provaricators out there, we must be able to find a solution. Not everyone will be happy in the short term, but then this isn't a short term problem, is it.
I'm going to find something that makes me happy and do that for a while.
Feel free to comment. It would be good to keep them sensible, but if that doesn't make you happy, at least keep it clean.
'til the next time
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