Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Marathon is Snickers. And Snickers is Marathon. Opal Fruits are not Starburst.

A midday musing:

I suddenly find myself at odds with my own political, emotional and mental standpoints.

The only absolute certainty is the division that now exists between families, friends, communities, societies, nations and globally.

I hadn't realised that I had been manipulated to such an extent that I am prepared to stand up and argue at myself.

It either means I have reached parity (unlikely), satiety (probably) or just cannot be arsed (I really hope not!).

Brexit is a desperate and stupid mistake founded on flawed, "alternative" grounds and mismanaged by both sides of the argument. And yet we have no choice but make the best of it and we will, not because of an arrogant belief in our own superiority and power within the global market place, but because we will have to. It is going to hurt. We have to make it work. But we must ensure that the democratic process is followed - so, yes, Parliamentary oversight is the very least that is required. It will happen. We must ensure that those in charge are held to account.

Trump is a dangerous narcissist hell bent on personal gain at all costs. No, America, he's not in it for you, he's in it for Trump! And he is being allowed to get away with it all. So he must be challenged, forced to explain himself, required to be accountable. Just because he says it, doesn't mean it's true. So, whether you beat the Trump rhythm or bang a different beat, you have to question him, just as you did with Obama. He's not the Messiah, he's a manipulative ingrate born into the elite that you apparently voted to remove from power.

The powers that be have manipulated their populations to such an extent that "divide and conquer" has never been truer. If we turn on each other the way we are being coerced to, we will simply follow wherever they want us to go. Worst case, each "side" will be radicalised to their own potent ideologies. And that is something that I find utterly reprehensible and truly scary. The ultimate manipulation will be that of a 1930s Germany, reshaped to believe whatever the ruling force wants. If that is to happen, it must happen against forceful debate, not violent conflict. It must happen in law and in peaceful protest, not rabid rioting and vitriol.

And maybe, just maybe, good things will happen for the majority. But unless those in power are hungry enough to do it for all of us, only a few will benefit. We must make them hungry. Not the other way round. Not like they're doing right now.

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