Monday, 17 October 2022

Should She Stay or Should She Go - The Truss Conundrum

 I almost feel sorry for Liz Truss. She is the focus of a level of vitriol and trolling that is truly heinous. (Much the same as most women and also people with different skin tones, really.) Everyone is laying all the horrors of this government at her feet and saying it's her fault it's all gone to shit. Mordaunt says we need "stability not a soap opera" while the rest of the party use each other as pin cushions - there's so much backstabbing going on - and all while making Eastenders look like an award winning sit-com.

Global crises, climate emergency, fossil fuel war, economy heading into recession...
I almost feel sorry for the PM. Almost. Then I remember she chose this. She's been a member of this hideous government/party for years. 12 years of Tories systematically screwing it up so badly that only a few, wealthy, disaster investors will gain.
I wonder who they'll blame for all this trouble? Putin, China, immigrants? It won't be their own lack of ideas, incompetence, brown nosing or longevity. It'll be young mothers with kids fleecing the state on £xx per week Universal Credit, not the shirt popping body slammer on £xxxxxxxxxM a year and whatever the government can offer in tax sweeties.
The lack of trust in this government is not down to the global economic or environmental crises. It is them and their behaviour. They are vile, compassionless, vitriolic, selfish, morally repugnant bullies. They are detestable. They are despicable. The damage they have caused is appalling on personal, social, environmental and economic levels.
However, we cannot afford for them to fail because their failure is our reality. So, we either need them gone, replaced by a competent, imaginative and truthful team, or (and i shudder to say this) we must put our trust in the NHS Death-eater that is Jeremy Hunt and hope that, although it will hurt, truth, honesty and reality will win us over and stabilise a country where the cracks are now chasms, fear is fuel and lies are the norm. To those who say, "if you don't like it then leave" I say this: I probably would if this government hadn't made it so bloody difficult and its people out as laughable but dangerous. But also, I don't want my country to fail. And I definitely don't want it to fail through greed, mismanagement, incompetence or klepto-rees-mogg-mania.
I want us to be proud of ourselves, our achievements, our strengths, our competence, our supportive natures, our collective acceptance of change and diversity, our inclusive spirit of entrepreneurial excitement and positive actions at home and abroad. But that's not what we are as a nation anymore. As individuals almost certainly yes, but as a nation we are small-minded, tight-fisted, arrogant, selfish, exclusionist little-islanders. And if that upsets you, good! It bothers the shit out of me! So let's do something about it. Hold every official accountable. Protest peacefully. Contact MPs and activist groups with ideas and comment. Just stop insulting each other, fighting each other, blaming each other. Our culture has morphed into some horrible self-centred negative relief of all that could be good. We have the chance to flip it around.
There's a difference between things being hard and things being "Tory" hard. Surely we've had enough of Tory hard, haven't we?
I like the idea of a PR GNU, spelt Proportional Representation Government of National Unity. Maybe we should try it some time. It couldn't be any worse than the massive pile of toilet paper-wrapped poo that's been set alight on our doorstep and all the government can do is stamp on it to put it out. All it would take is some water and a shovel, but let's get those Tory size 10s out and fling about some more flaming shit!

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